a better life

Want To Have a Better Life?

Recently, I wrote about the tremendous value of strength training – a longer life.  In response, a few folks asked me what is the point of living longer if they “feel like crap” for many of those years.  Well, that could take a long answer full of science, but the short version is this…you exercise, you have energy and better health.  No exercise=no energy and health that is not all that it could be.  And a lot of other things, but that’s for another blog.  There IS a way to have a better life that YOU are in complete control of.

Real-life lab experiment

I read recently a real-life example of someone who trained regularly (and discovered the associated benefits) and then cut way back.  The author:  Darius Foroux, founder of The Sounding Board.  He’s got a great blog where he writes about productivity, habits, decision-making and wealth-building, and he writes on these topics for national publications.

Foroux is good about setting regular goals for himself, and one of the areas he set as a yearly focus for himself a few years ago was regular exercise.  And he stuck with it; he saw significant improvements in health and energy, in tenacity and work discipline, in overall life satisfaction.  A better life.


Life got busy.  Foroux cut back on his regular exercise.  He wrote about what happened when he stopped working out on a daily basis.  Let’s just say the changes were SIGNIFICANT.

Instead of daily exercise, Foroux went to the gym 2-3 times a week.  As he states, “for the first few weeks, nothing was wrong, and I felt good.  I was also productive.”  But a month later, “that changed.  I started feeling tired by the end of the day…something that never happens to me.”  He started writing a lot less, his work output declined greatly, and he picked up an evening TV habit, leaving behind the regular book before bedtime.  Foroux got pretty frustrated by his shift towards little energy and “wasting time.”  Fortunately, after some reflection on his habits, he realized his problem was exercise…a lack of it.

Soon after, his focus again returned to regular exercise.  And things moved back in the right direction…more energy, more self-discipline, more focus, more productivity.  All by practicing  – AND MAKING TIME FOR – something that most of us struggle with…the dreaded exercise habit. He remembered a key way to have a better life.


For Foroux, finding a specific focus for his fitness keeps him motivated.  When he’s in good shape, he can run a 10k without stopping and do at least 12 pull-ups.  What is your goal?  Is it being able to play with your kids or grandkids without stopping for a break every 5 minutes?  Perhaps you DO want to say you can run a 5k.  Or maybe yours is just to be able to keep fitting into your current jeans with no sizing up.

Here’s the big struggle most of us deal with…I don’t have the energy to work out.  And I know this is a crazy thing to settle in your head…that by putting OUT energy (i.e., exercising), you actually GET energy.  Foroux reminded me of a Zig Ziglar quote that I’ve always loved…

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last.  Well, neither does bathing-that’s why we recommend daily.”

I’ll confess…most days, I don’t WANT to work out.  But I do it anyway.  There’s a lazy part of me that would rather sit on the couch, drink coffee and read a book.  But I don’t ask her if she feels like it today.  Instead, I’ve set my mind – my will – that I AM doing this.  It’s a nonnegotiable.

Why?  I love feeling fit and being strong.  I like solid muscles and lower body fat.  I like to look good.  I like to be able to eat a bit more.  And I love the self-discipline that carries over into all other areas of my life.  It’s MY way to have a better life.

Treat this gift you have – your body – right.  Strengthen it, tend to its needs, and discipline it as needed!  The payoff…YOU have a better life!

I can help you!

Finding ways to get in that oh-so-valuable exercise does NOT need to be difficult. Let’s work together to find a strategy that works best for YOU!