How to make yourself workout!!
For most of us, exercise is not something we’d call fun. We like the end result, but the process of getting there is not easy. Most days, it takes a lot of energy. It’s called WORK! Exercise motivation can be hard to find.
I will confess: There are many pre-workout periods when I’d rather sit in my cozy chair, sip on my mug of coffee, and read my favorite suspense novel. But I know that, in the words of that famous shoe company, if I just do it, in 45-60 minutes I’ll have my exercise completed, rather than still sitting in my cozy chair, still dreading it. (And if you need a workout that is made for you, where you can zone out and get it done in about a half hour, CLICK HERE.)
So how do you make your workout time more enjoyable? Sound impossible? Read on and find out 7 ways to make exercise hour something you might just look forward to. Create your very own exercise motivation!
Want to make time go really fast? Save your favorite television show for workout time only. This one has worked really well for me. I generally don’t make time for TV viewing in the evenings, so I get to watch my current Netflix series while I’m exercising. Fortunately, I have a television in my workout room; if you don’t, consider keeping your PC or tablet close by and stream your shows. When you strategize your TV watching like this, you more than likely will be eager to get in that workout!
Here’s another way to both treat AND distract yourself. If you’re on a stationary bike, you can read an actual book or a Kindle version (and for me, this is sometimes the only way I can find time to read during the day AND stay awake while reading). For other types of workouts, pull out the headphones and load up a book that you can listen to. There are tons of titles available these days in audio form. If you save the book for workout time only, you’re that much more likely to want to do it!
I’ve found a lot of great titles out there…inspirational, self-help, how-to…there are many options available for your listening pleasure. Time goes so much faster during that exercise period when you’re listening to something that you can really get into. I’ve found my podcasts on both Apple and Google (the latter works great with my Android device).
No one can deny the energizing power of music. Try getting through a workout with total silence and I can assure you you’ll spend most of the time looking at the clock. Whether it’s via headphones, earbuds or a speaker set-up in your room, find the music that motivates and makes you wanna move and PLAY IT LOUD. Maybe even throw in some of your best dance moves between sets!
If you’re having one of THOSE days (i.g., you can barely even think about a workout), set up some simple treat for yourself once you’ve completed the exercise discipline. Maybe it earns you a 30-minute chunk of time to simply sit and read. Or you’re now “allowed” to browse the Internet for 20-30 minutes. And sometimes, maybe it’s even a small goodie (sweets are fine in MODERATION). The key here is not allowing yourself that reward until the workout is done.
Some folks are lone exercisers – they want little distraction so they can just get it done as efficiently as possible. Others like the company. If you’re in the latter category, consider going for a power walk with a friend. Or a bike ride. Maybe the two of you can meet up via Zoom and do some strength training together. One of my favorites: Take the dog out for an extra walk or two. If you want the exercise company, just ASK someone; you may be surprised that they, too, are eager to have both the companionship AND support.
I realize that exercise is hard work and that it takes a heck of a lot of self-discipline. But try to look at it like this: You’re giving yourself a gift. You’re making time for YOU, you’re giving each cell in your body a LIVE message, you’re building a sense of tenacity that will flow over into other areas of your life…are you getting the message here?!! On those days when it’s the hardest to motivate myself, I remember how good I’m gonna feel when it’s DONE!