What if I told you there may be a way to ease joint pain without medication?
Chances are that you are completely unaware of an enemy that your body may be fighting daily…chronic inflammation.
When we hear the word inflammation, we oftentimes think of anti-inflammatory medications. But do you really understand what inflammation is? Basically, it’s the body’s response to outside threats like infection, toxic chemicals, or stress. When your body is injured or ill, the immune system releases white blood cells to protect an injured area and begins the process of repair and healing. Think of the last time you got a cut; the redness, swelling and pain signaled that a healing response was kicking in. In this initial phase, inflammation gets the repairs in motion. And like most things, it’s good in moderation.
But when it continues…that’s when we have issues. Stress or poor health can tell the body it’s under attack, so the immune system keeps fighting indefinitely; the inflammation is then directed at your body and not the injury. Sufferers can experience issues in tissues, joints and blood vessels. Researchers aren’t exactly sure why the inflammatory process continues in some people. But studies are showing that stress, lack of exercise, poor food choices, excess alcohol, and smoking help feed the cycle.
How to tell if you have it…
Want to find out if you have chronic inflammation? A simple blood test can measure a liver chemical called C-reactive protein, which rises in response to inflammation. You may also experience physical issues that seem to have no cause…digestive issues (acid reflux, diarrhea, constipation), joint pain, muscle pain, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, frequent infections. Keep in mind that these issues do not mean you have chronic inflammation; they may be caused by something else.
For me, inflammation showed up as sore joints. And once I changed my diet, my joint issues greatly improved (more on diet below).
WHY you should want to know about chronic inflammation
Besides the daily issues mentioned above (e.g., joint aches, digestive issues), there is a strong connection between excess inflammation and disease. It can be a contributor to arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer, and bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Chronic inflammation causes lasting damage to your body. For example, when inflammatory cells linger for too long in blood vessels, dangerous plaque builds up. The body sees this plaque as foreign and sends out more defenders. Plaque will continue to build and the arteries can thicken, making a heart attack or stroke much more likely.
In another part of the body, we see inflammation potentially playing a role in the brain and Alzheimer’s disease. For decades, researchers believed the brain was off-limits to inflammation because of the blood-brain barrier, but they’re now discovering that immune cells can cross this barrier during times of illness and stress. Though their specific role in disease progression is not yet clear, it’s pretty easy to conclude that it’s not all that healthy when this type of inflammation can enter the brain.
How to treat it…
Fortunately, you can take simple steps to ease the fire of chronic inflammation. Most of them include diet and exercise (simple, yet not always easy, I know!). AND dealing with the things that cause you regular stress…they gotta go!
- Maintain a healthy weight (obesity has been shown to increase inflammation, especially abdominal fat).
- Get the right amount of sleep (sleep-deprived folks will almost always have some sort of inflammation going on).
- Stick with regular exercise (helps maintain weight, can be a stress reliever, and your cells get a ‘stay healthy’ message). BTW…click HERE for a good CARDIO option!
Food advice
- Take way down your intake of simple sugars and refined carbs (white flour and processed foods).
- Keep coffee intake at moderate levels.
- Eliminate artificial sweeteners, colors and flavorings.
- Decrease meat consumption.
- ADD sources of omega-3 fatty acids (olive oil, flaxseed oil, fatty fish like salmon and mackerel).
- ADD natural sources of antioxidants (berries, cherries, red grapes, plums, onions, green tea, dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale).
- Consider supplementing with fish oil as well as turmeric. Fish oil is helpful in those who do not eat fish regularly. And turmeric has been shown in multiple studies to ease joint inflammation. Capsule form is most convenient; make sure that any turmeric source you take also has black pepper, which helps with absorption.
- My experience has shown that my body does best with very little meat, and I supplement with turmeric and fish oil. Several years ago, I noticed that my fingers and knees were sore on a regular basis. It was too early for arthritis. About the same time, I found that my tastebuds were changing…meat just didn’t sound good anymore. And I’m talking beef AND chicken. As I started to move towards a more plant-based diet, I found my joints were feeling better. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Occasionally, I do have some chicken or a half of a hamburger. But it’s just not a regular thing. And my body thanks me. This may not work for you, but I did what my body was telling me. Again, I also supplement with turmeric and fish oil, and I know these also help.
Try a few of these tips over the next few weeks and see how your body feels. The suggestions can only help! And if I can help you make these happen, get in touch with me!